Reducing Diabetes Symptoms by Reducing Sugar Consumption

A frightening factor in the current surge of overweight and obese patients showing up in our medical clinic these days, is the rise in Type 2 Diabetes, which strikes much more often with overweight patients. A positive action any of us can take to avoid this is to reign in our craving sugar symptoms by going on a sugar detox program.

Who’s at risk for type 2 diabetes? The answer will likely push you to the brink. Type 2 diabetes is a condition where your body has been overloaded with sugar, in all of its forms, usually for many years. This causes your pancreas to be taxed to the point where you might describe it as being overextended and worn out’. This results in sugar going directly into your bloodstream, instead of being metabolized over time. In severe cases, the diabetic may suffer dizziness, blackouts or stroke.

The increased consumption of refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup has led to a plague of high blood sugar levels among all of us, both children and adults. This chain of events has led to a number of debilitating medical conditions that have placed an additional strain on our already overextended health care system. In this article, I will help you understand what leads to elevated blood sugar and provide suggestions for mitigating or avoiding the condition. You need to understand that there is no substitute for a qualified medical diagnosis, so if you have concerns about high blood sugar levels in yourself or your family, the most important thing to do is see your doctor as soon as possible.


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