Are You Aware of Different Types of Yoga for Beginners Poses?

Yoga is the most ancient form of exercises. Truth be told, yoga cannot be exactly categorized as exercise because it is more of an ancient art. This is why when we talk about the basics of yoga for beginners; many individuals confuse it with some kind of workout regimen. Therefore, for the sake of spreading some useful information about yoga at home for beginners, we are going to talk about different yoga poses today.

An Intro Yoga Poses for Beginners:

To understand the yoga poses for beginners in routine, you have to know the main types of yoga. There are roughly six branches, which is just a general notion. There could be more yoga types, but we are going to stick with 3 of them for now. After we are done detailing the branches of yoga, it is only then that we can move on to understanding yoga poses for beginners from a better perspective.

    • Hatha Yoga:

Back in the 15th century, Hatha Yoga was introduced by an Indian sage. This form of yoga is one of many from basic positions of yoga for beginners. Hence, it does not contain a lot of complex poses. In the 15th century, the physical purification of the mind and the body through meditation was what really mattered.


        • Raja Yoga:

imagesYou must have seen Raja Yoga in various yoga videos, without knowing what it really was. Raja Yoga basically branched from exquisite yoga poses that were only meant for member of the royal family. Hence, they had a rather ritualistic approach to performing this yoga type. They started with different ethical standards, such as; Asana, Niyama, Pranayama and etc. If you want to meditate, Raja yoga will suit you the best.


            • Karma Yoga:

You have heard about the term: Karma; everyone has. It means that whatever you are facing or experiencing in life right now, it is the direct result of your actions in the past. Therefore, Karma Yoga is all about performing the right kind of present actions that would later on affect your future life. It is the art of leading a selfless life for other people’s good.

That’s all for today. To find out more information about other branches of yoga and basics of yoga position, don’t forget to read the remaining articles at this wonderful website. We are always determined to improve user experience – so let us know about your opinions today.


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